This template extracts structured data from bank statements.

Extracted Fields

statementPeriodstringThe duration or period of time the bank statement covers.
accountHolderstringThe full name of the account holder.
addressstringThe address of the account holder.
sortCodestringThe sort code of the account holder
- accountNumberstringThe account number of the account holder.
- moneyInnumberThe total amount of money that went in to the bank statement.
- moneyOutnumberThe total amount of money that went out of the bank statement.
- openingBalancenumberThe balance at the beginning of the period.
- closingBalancenumberThe balance at the end of the period.
- transactionsarrayA list of transactions with details for ach transaction date, money in, money out, description and balance.

How to Use

To extract data with this template, specify bank_statement as the template name when calling the extract function.

import { extract } from 'documind';

const result = await extract({
  file: '',
  template: 'bank_statement', // Specify the template name


Sample Output

Here’s an example of the structured data returned after processing a bank statement:

  "success": true,
  "pages": 6,
  "data": {
    "statementPeriod": "09 Apr - 06 May 2022",
    "accountHolder": "Mikel Jonuzi",
    "address": "Flat 25 Kinloss Courtnorth Circular Road London N3 3DY",
    "sortCode": "20-26-78",
    "accountNumber": "33191753",
    "moneyIn": 1310,
    "moneyOut": 1309.78,
    "openingBalance": 101.72,
    "closingBalance": 101.94,
    "transactions": [
        "date": "09 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 0,
        "moneyOut": 0,
        "description": "Start balance",
        "balance": 101.72
        "date": "11 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 0,
        "moneyOut": 6.72,
        "description": "Card Payment to Uber *Trip On 09 Apr",
        "balance": 94
        "date": "11 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 0,
        "moneyOut": 37.65,
        "description": "Card Payment to Uber *Trip On 09 Apr",
        "balance": 56.35
        "date": "11 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 0,
        "moneyOut": 41.52,
        "description": "Card Payment to Uber *Trip On 09 Apr",
        "balance": 15.83
        "date": "13 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 0,
        "moneyOut": 14.1,
        "description": "Card Payment to IZ *West Kensigton On 12 Apr",
        "balance": 1.73
        "date": "19 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 0,
        "moneyOut": 20,
        "description": "Card Payment to British Gas Online On 16 Apr",
        "balance": -18.27
        "date": "19 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 20,
        "moneyOut": 0,
        "description": "Giro Received From R Omuri",
        "balance": 1.73
        "date": "20 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 300,
        "moneyOut": 0,
        "description": "Account Credit: Deposit at Barclays 176 High Street",
        "balance": 301.73
        "date": "21 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 0,
        "moneyOut": 89.29,
        "description": "Direct Debit to Apf/Granitefinance",
        "balance": 212.44
        "date": "21 Apr",
        "moneyIn": 100,
        "moneyOut": 0,
        "description": "Account Credit: Deposit at Barclays 8 10 North End Road",
        "balance": 312.44
  "fileName": "barclays-bank-statement.pdf"